We Accept The Following Payment Methods


Notice: Please write your specific shipping address and your phone number.

If you want to pay with your credit card, you can checkout with paypal too. 

2.Credit Card:

We also accept the credit card online payments, please check:

3.Western Union

Send Money on https://www.westernunion.com website or go to your local westernunion agent shop to pay us. Use the following info to send payment to us.

First Name: XUANJUN
Last Name: LI
Postal Code: 510440
Mobile: +86- 18928771987

Notice: Please email us the MTCN( Money Transfer Control  Number) and your specific address along with your phone number after finishing the payment.

4. Bank Transfer

Notice: After you finish the payment, pls inform us the specific shipping address and your phone number.

5.Money Gram

Send Money on https://secure.moneygram.com/ MoneyGram website or go to your local MoneyGram agent shop to pay us, please check your local MoneyGram at : https://secure.moneygram.com , and use the following info to send payment to us :

First Name: XUANJUN
Last Name: LI
Postal Code: 510440
Mobile: +86- 18928771987

Notice: Please email us the reference number and your specific address along with your phone number after finishing the payment.